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and Tobago


Trinidad and Tobago, is the southernmost island country in the Caribbean and is known for its fossil-fuel wealth. Trinidad and Tobago is a dual-island Caribbean nation near Venezuela, with distinctive Creole traditions and cuisines. The smaller island of Tobago is known for its beaches. The population of the Trinidad and Tabago is 1.395M with the capital being Port of Spain.


Trinidad and Tabago has a high solar potential and set a renewable energy mix target of 10% by 2021. Presently Trinidad and Tabago energy mix is comprised of little renewable energy on the public grid. Its electrical demand peaks at 1,360MW and its electricity prices are very low relative to the rest of the Caribbean. Given its an oil producing nation the Government of Tinidad and Tabago subsidizes the cost of electricity production heavily. It would be challenging to develop a financial business case for a large solar development without significant subsidies from the Government to make it feasible.


Solar energy generation presents an opportunity to achieve Trinidad and Tabago’s energy goals, reduce its carbon footprint and reduce its annual dependence on about 2,294,916,000 liters of oil and diesel for electricity alone.

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